Aktywacja kanałów komunikacji i integracje wielokanałowe
Google Chat
Activate a new channel and enable communication capabilities to turn search results into an interactive chat.
Google Chat
Activate a new channel and enable communication capabilities to turn search results into an interactive chat.
Engage customers with Google Chat
We implement personalized and interactive path to purchase in a single conversation, allowing customers to start an interaction with your brand anywhere, anytime.
We set up an intuitive, reliable and interactive chat within Google Search, Google Maps or your own channels. We can help you reach your customers where they are looking for support.
Improve your communication strategy with Google Chat capabilities
We set up chatbots to answer the most frequently asked questions, so any user can interact with your brand at any time.
Improve your communication strategy with Google Chat capabilities
We set up chatbots to answer the most frequently asked questions, so any user can interact with your brand at any time.
Lay the groundwork
We activate a new channel of interaction in the brand's search results. You gain the ability to conveniently communicate with your customers on Google Maps, for example.
Lay the groundwork
We activate a new channel of interaction in the search results. You gain the ability to conveniently communicate with your customers on Google Maps, for example.
Make the first impression
We configure conversation starters and reply buttons so you can quickly engage customers, keep the conversation on track, and provide support.
Make the first impression
We configure conversation starters and reply buttons so you can quickly engage customers, keep the conversation on track, and provide support.
Increase user engagement
We guarantee to increase customer engagement and effectively help them find what they need. We let you use various features to do this, including product recommendation carousels.
Increase user engagement
We guarantee to increase customer engagement and effectively help them find what they need. We let you use various features to do this, including product recommendation carousels.
We can help you see what your customers think
We use Google to collect feedback immediately after each conversation. This helps you learn more about your customers' experiences and answer questions before they are asked.
We can help you see what your customers think
We use Google to collect feedback immediately after each conversation. This helps you learn more about your customers' experiences and answer questions before they are asked.



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Our competencies
We consolidate, enrich and activate customer, sales and product data.
Learn more