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Cookbook for e-commerce 2024

Persooa's experience, dozens of conversations with customers and partners, expert support... that's how the cookbook "Marketing Automation 2.0 Strategy" was created.

Privacy Policy

Spis treści

The security of your data is of paramount importance to us.


In connection with the implementation of the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation "RODO"), we are committed to protecting your privacy. Please contact us at or using the form at the end of the page if you have any questions or problems regarding the use of your personal data, we will be happy to assist you. By using this website and/or our services, you consent to the processing of your personal data as described in this Privacy Policy.



  • Personal Data - any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person.
  • Processing - any operation or set of operations performed on Personal Data or on sets of Personal Data.  Data Subject - the natural person whose Personal Data is being processed.
  • Administrator - Persooa sp. z oo, Żelazna 51/53, Warsaw, Poland Puzzle Office, Norblin Factory. Data Protection Inspector - whom we have appointed at Persooa who can be contacted at:
  • Service - means the website or application under which the Administrator runs the Internet service
  • Device - means an electronic device through which the User accesses the Service.
  • User - means an entity to whom, in accordance with the Regulations and the law, electronic services may be provided or with whom an Electronic Service Agreement may be concluded.
  • Cookies - means computer data, in particular small text files, recorded and stored on devices through which the User uses the websites of the Service.
  • Cookies of the Administrator - means Cookies placed by the Administrator, related to the provision of electronic services by the Administrator through the Service.
  • External Cookies - means Cookies placed by the Administrator's partners, through the website of the Service.

Data protection principles

We promise to comply with the following data protection principles:
  • Processing is lawful, fair and transparent. Our processing activities have a legal basis. We always consider your rights before processing personal data. We will provide you with information on processing upon request.
  • Processing is limited to the purpose. Our processing activities are relevant to the purpose for which the personal data was collected.
  • Processing is done with a minimum amount of data. We collect and process only the minimum amount of personal data required for any purpose.
  • Processing is limited by a period of time. We will not keep your personal data longer than necessary.
  • We will make every effort to ensure the accuracy of your data.
  • We will make every effort to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the data.

Rights of the data subject

The data subject has the following rights:
  • Right to information - which means that you have the right to know whether your personal data is being processed; what data is collected, where it is obtained from, and why and by whom it is processed.
  • Right of access - which means you have the right to access the data collected from/about you. This includes the right to request and obtain a copy of the personal data collected.
  • Right to rectification - which means that you have the right to request the rectification or deletion of your personal data that is inaccurate or incomplete.
  • The right to erasure - which means that under certain circumstances you can request that your Personal Data be deleted from our records.
  • Right to restrict processing - which means that when certain conditions apply, you have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data.
  • The right to object to processing - which means that in certain cases you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data, for example in the case of direct marketing.
  • Right to object to automated processing - which means you have the right to object to automated processing, including profiling; and not be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing. You can exercise this right whenever the result of profiling produces legal effects concerning or significantly affecting you.
  • Right to data portability - you have the right to obtain your Personal Data in machine-readable format or, if feasible, by direct transfer from one Processor to another.
  • The right to complain - if we deny your request under your Access Rights, we will give you a reason why. If you are not satisfied with the way your request was handled, please contact us.
  • Right to assistance / supervisory authority - which means you have the right to assistance from a supervisory authority and the right to other legal remedies, such as seeking compensation.
  • Right to withdraw consent - you have the right to withdraw any consent you have given for the Processing of your Personal Data.

The data we collect

  • Information you have provided to us. This can be your email address, name, billing address, home address, etc. - mainly information that is necessary to provide you with a product / service or to improve customer service. We save the information you provide to us for the purpose of commenting or performing other activities on the site. This information includes, for example, your name and email address.
  • Information collected automatically about you. This includes information that is automatically stored by cookies and other session tools. For example, your shopping cart information, IP address, purchase history (if any), etc. We use this information to improve our customer service. When you use our services or browse our website content, your actions may be recorded.
  • Information from our partners. We collect information from our trusted partners with confirmation that they have a legal basis for sharing this information with us. This is information that you have provided to them directly or that they have collected about you on other legal grounds.
  • Information available to the public. We may collect information about you that is publicly available.

How we use your personal information

We use your personal data for legitimate reasons and/or with your consent. On the basis of entering into a contract or fulfilling contractual obligations. We process your Personal Data for the following purposes:
  • providing our services. This includes, for example, registering for an account; providing you with other products and services you have requested; providing you with promotional items upon your request and communicating with you in connection with those products and services; communicating and interacting with you; and notifying you of changes to any services.
  • improve the quality of customer service;
  • to fulfill a legal or contractual obligation;
  • to identify you;
  • to provide you with a service or send / offer you a product;
  • to communicate for sales or invoicing purposes;
  • for the purpose of sending a Newsletter, with your consent, to the email address you have indicated;
  • in connection with ongoing recruitment, to the extent specified in the advertisement;
    in order to arrange a meeting with us
  • to send you personalized offers * (from us and/or our carefully selected partners);
  • to administer and analyze our customer base (behavior and purchase history) in order to improve the quality, variety and availability of the products / services offered / provided;
  • to conduct customer satisfaction surveys;
As long as you have not informed us otherwise, we consider it to be our legitimate interest to offer you products / services that are similar or the same as your purchase history / browsing behavior. With your consent, we process your personal data for the following purposes:
  • for sending newsletters and campaign offers (from us and/or our carefully selected partners);
  • for other purposes for which we have asked for your consent;
We process your Personal Data in order to fulfill our obligations under the law and/or to use your Personal Data to the extent possible under the law. We reserve the right to anonymize the Personal Data collected and use such data. We will only use data outside the scope of this Policy if it is anonymized. We will retain your billing information and other information collected about you for as long as necessary for accounting purposes or other legal obligations. The Administrator's legal basis for processing your personal information is:
  • 6(1)(a) RODO i.e. obtained consent to process personal data;
  • 6(1)(b) RODO i.e. performance of a contract or taking action on requests prior to entering into a contract;
  • 6(1)(c) RODO i.e. fulfillment of a legal obligation incumbent on the Administrator;
  • 6(1)(f) RODO i.e. the Administrator's legal interest.
We may process your personal data for additional purposes that are not listed here, but are consistent with the original purpose for which they were collected. To do so, we will ensure that:
  • the relationship between the purposes, context and nature of the personal data is appropriate for further processing;
  • further processing would not harm your interests and there would be adequate protection for the processing;
We will inform you about further processing and purposes. The Administrator provides the following Electronic Services:
  • Newsletter;
  • Contact form;
  • Making an appointment;
  • Use of the Newsletter Electronic Service is made by submitting a statement of your desire to use this Service by entering your data in the designated form and approving your consent.
  • The Newsletter Electronic Service is provided free of charge for an indefinite period of time. The User has the possibility, at any time and without giving any reason, to resign from the Newsletter Service by sending an appropriate request to the Administrator.
  • Providing personal data for the purpose of sending information to the indicated e-mail address (Newsletter subscription) is voluntary. The legal basis for processing personal data is the consent given by the User. Providing personal data in order to use the contact form is voluntary, one necessary in order to answer the question. If you do not want to provide your personal data, please contact the Administrator by phone.

Who can access your personal data

We do not share your personal information with strangers. Your personal information is in some cases shared with our trusted partners to enable us to provide you with a service or improve our customer service. Our processing partners:
  • Google Analytics (Google Inc.) Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. ("Google"). Google uses the data it collects to track and study the use of this Website, to prepare reports on its activities and to share them with others.
  • HubSpot Analytics (HubSpot, Inc.) HubSpot Analytics is an analytics service provided by HubSpot, Inc. Personal data collected: cookies and usage data. Processing location: United States - Privacy Policy - Opt-out.
  • HubSpot CRM (HubSpot, Inc.) HubSpot CRM is a user database management service provided by HubSpot, Inc. Personal Data collected: email address, phone number and various types of Data as specified in the service's privacy policy. Processing location: USA - Privacy Policy
  • Other entities we work with to fulfill the purpose of processing your Personal Data;
We only work with processing partners who are able to provide an adequate level of protection for your Personal Data. We disclose your Personal Data to third parties or public officials when we are legally obligated to do so. We may disclose your Personal Data to third parties if you have given your consent or there are other legal grounds to do so.

How we secure your data

We make every effort to keep your personal information secure. We use secure protocols for communication and data transfer (e.g. HTTPS). We use anonymization and pseudonymization where appropriate. We monitor our systems for possible vulnerabilities and attacks. Although we make every effort, we cannot guarantee the security of your information. However, we promise to notify the relevant authorities of data breaches. We will also notify you if there is a threat to your rights or interests. We will do everything in our power to prevent security breaches and assist the authorities in the event of any violations. If you have an account with us, please note that you must keep your username and password confidential.

Cookies and other technologies we use

We use cookies and/or similar technologies to analyze customer behavior, administer the website, track user movements and to collect information about users. This is done to personalize and improve your experience with us. A cookie is a small text file stored on your computer. Cookies store information that helps websites work. Only we have access to the cookies created by our website. You can control your cookies from your browser. Choosing to disable cookies may make it more difficult to use certain features.

Transmission of personal data outside the EU

The Administrator may use the tools of entities that are based outside the European Economic Area (hereinafter: EEA) or that may store data outside the EEA. Personal data will not be transferred to international organizations. The Administrator will use all legally available safeguards to secure the transfer of this data. Transfers of data outside the EEA may occur under the exceptions provided for in Article 49 of the RODO, provided that the conditions set forth in this article apply. For information on the applicable safeguards once the scope of the data transferred outside the EGO, please contact the Administrator or the DPO.


Users' personal data will not be processed in an automated manner, including profiling, i.e. no decisions that produce legal effects or similarly significantly affect a person will be based solely on automatic processing of personal data and do not involve such an automatically made decision.

Activity on social networks

The administrator owns accounts on social networks:
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
The Administrator maintains and manages accounts on social networks to promote products, services and its activities. As part of these activities, it administers the personal data of social network users who observe the Administrator's profiles, including participation in contests, events and dialogue with both the Administrator and other users through accounts managed by the Administrator. If a user wishes to terminate the processing of personal data provided through social networks, he or she should stop observing the Administrator's profiles using the options used by the portal, such as clicking the "Like" button on Facebook.  All rights to marks (including logos), copyrights, database rights and all other intellectual property rights to the content of the website and profiles on social networks belong to the Administrator. It is prohibited to copy, modify, use in any form or reproduce, in whole or in part, the content of the website for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of the Administrator and the author of the test. Content presented on the website and profiles on social networking sites is intended to promote the activities of the Administrator. Use of the materials for any other purpose is prohibited. Materials made available on the Administrator's social networking profiles are his property, or have been made available with the consent of the authors of the content. A user who uses profiles on the Administrator's social networking accounts declares that the Content posted by him/her:
  • will not be inappropriate. Content is considered inappropriate when: - constitutes plagiarism, is defamatory, abusive, harassing, untrue, misleading, derogatory, discriminatory, threatening, harassing, expresses racial or sexual prejudice; - contains elements of ridicule, uncultured, offensive, triggering, indecent suggestions, swearing; - contains quotations of statements of other users out of context in order to create a false or negative impression;
  • is indecent, uncensored or pornographic in nature; or
  • constitutes a violation of another person's right to confidentiality or privacy,
  • will not prejudice any pending legal proceedings of which the user is aware;
  • will not contain accusations of indecency or personal criticism directed against the Administrator's employees;
  • are not likely to: (i) cause fear, uncertainty or distress to another person; (ii) incite violations of the rules of social intercourse; or (iii) incite racial or religious aggression or hatred,
  • will not infringe any copyright, trademark, patent or other intellectual property rights of the Administrator or any third party;
  • will not be technically harmful (including, in particular, computer viruses, logic bombs, Trojan horses, computer worms, harmful components, corrupted data or other malware, harmful data or activities);
  • will not constitute an offer, advertisement or promotion of any product or service, or solicit donations or financial support;
  • will not constitute spam or pushy advertising sent by mail;
  • will not purport to impersonate another person or otherwise misrepresent the user's identity, affiliation or position;
  • will not present or encourage behavior that could be considered a crime, leads to civil liability or is against the law.
The User may link to other websites and subsites on the Administrator's profile if:
  • content or links to such websites or webpages will not violate any provisions of the Privacy Policy;
  • the terms and conditions of use of such websites or sub-sites permit the inclusion of links to such websites or sub-sites;
  • they are clearly and conspicuously marked as links;
  • the content of the websites or sub-sites has a clear connection to the Content at which the link is placed; and the link does not cause any automatic downloading of any files.
The administrator stipulates that any content that does not comply with the above rules, and especially comments of a nature:
  • Defamatory, untrue or misleading;
  • abusive, insulting or threatening;
  • of an uncensored or sexual nature;
  • of a harassing, racist, sexist, homophobic or discriminatory nature against any religion or other groups of people.
They will be deleted immediately.
Without the express permission of the Administrator, you are not authorized to re-post any Content or other materials or applications that have been previously removed.

Types of cookies used

Cookies used by the Administrator are safe for the User Device. In particular, by this means it is not possible for viruses or other unwanted software or malware to get into the Users' Devices. These cookies allow to identify the software used by the User and to customize the Service individually for each User. Cookies usually contain the name of the domain from which they come, the time they are stored on the Device and the assigned value. The Administrator uses two types of cookies:
  • Session cookies: they are stored on the User's Device and remain there until the session of a given browser ends. The stored information is then permanently deleted from the Device's memory. The mechanism of session cookies does not allow the collection of any personal data or any confidential information from the User Device.
  • Persistent cookies: they are stored on the User's Device and remain there until they are deleted. Ending the session of a given browser or switching off the Device does not delete them from the User Device. The mechanism of permanent cookies does not allow the collection of any personal data or any confidential information from the User Device.

We use cookies for the following purposes:

  • Necessary cookies - these cookies are required so that you can use some important features of our site, such as logging in. These cookies do not collect any personal information.
  • Functional cookies - these cookies provide functionality that makes using our site more convenient and enables us to provide more personalized features. For example, they can remember your name and email address in comment forms, so you don't have to re-enter this information the next time you comment.
  • Analytics cookies - these cookies are used to track usage and performance of our website and services
  • Advertising cookies - these cookies are used to deliver ads that are relevant to you and your interests. In addition, they are used to limit the number of times an ad is displayed. They are usually placed on the site by advertising networks with the permission of the site operator. These cookies remember that you have visited the website and this information is shared with other organizations such as advertisers. Often, targeting or advertising cookies are linked to site features provided by another organization.

Możesz usunąć pliki cookie zapisane na komputerze za pomocą ustawień przeglądarki. Alternatywnie możesz kontrolować niektóre pliki cookie stron trzecich, korzystając z platformy zwiększającej prywatność, takiej jak lub Aby uzyskać więcej informacji na temat plików cookie, odwiedź Używamy Google Analytics do pomiaru ruchu na naszej stronie internetowej. Google ma własną Politykę prywatności, z którą możesz się zapoznać tutaj. Jeśli chcesz zrezygnować ze śledzenia przez Google Analytics, odwiedź Strona rezygnacji z Google Analytics. Zobacz jak wyłączyć mechanizm cookies: W przeglądarce Chrome W przeglądarce Firefox W przeglądarce Opera W przeglądarce Internet Explorer W przeglądarce Safari

You can delete cookies stored on your computer using your browser settings. Alternatively, you can control some third-party cookies by using a privacy-enhancing platform such as or For more information on cookies, visit We use Google Analytics to measure traffic to our website. Google has its own Privacy Policy, which you can read here. If you would like to opt-out of tracking by Google Analytics, visit the Google Analytics Opt-out Page. See how to disable the cookie mechanism: In Chrome browser In Firefox browser In Opera browser In Internet Explorer browser In Safari browser.


Contact information

Persooa sp. z oo, Żelazna 51/53, Warsaw, Poland Puzzle Office, Norblin Factory Data Protection Officer: We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Statement has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of a number of legal acts, including Article 13/14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation). This Privacy Policy applies only to this Site, unless otherwise specified herein. In matters not regulated by the Privacy Policy and concerning its subject matter, and in the event of any part of the Privacy Policy being inconsistent with applicable law, the relevant provisions of Polish law, in particular, shall apply in place of the disputed provision of the Policy:
  • Law of April 23, 1964. - Civil Code,
  • Act of March 2, 2000 on the protection of certain consumer rights and liability for damage caused by dangerous products,
  • Act of July 27, 2002 on special conditions of consumer sales and amendments to the Civil Code,
  • the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means (hereinafter referred to as the SSA),
  • Act of May 10, 2018 on the protection of personal data,
You can always ask us a question through the contact form.